每日灵修 | 8.1 黑暗中的亮光
A Light In The Dark
约翰福音 1:1-5
John 1:1-5

—约 1:5

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
—John 1:5
耶稣基督,神的道,最初与神一起创造了这个世界。祂也来到了世上拯救这个世界,因为世界被罪和死的咒诅破坏了。当初亚当夏娃在伊甸园悖逆神,将咒诅带给了神所有的受造物。(参创 3)这个曾经被神称为“好”的世界从那时起就饱受冲突、离析、疾病和悲伤的折磨。罪使我们与造我们的神疏远了。更糟糕的是,无论我们怎样努力,都无法使之复原。我们的罪不断地在我们和造物主之间形成障碍。

The book of John uses the image of light to help explain who Jesus is.
Jesus Christ, the Word of God, created the world with God in the beginning. He also came into the world to save it, because it was broken by the curse of sin and death. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in Eden, they brought this curse on all of God's creation. (Genesis 3)The world that God once called “good” has been afflicted with conflict, isolation, sickness, and grief ever since. And sin has estranged us from the God who created us. Even worse, no matter how hard we try, we cannot make things right. Our sin continually forms a barrier between us and our Creator.
Maybe you are reading these devotions because you are feeling sin's effects in your life. Perhaps something has happened that has left you feeling lost or confused. Maybe you feel as if you are groping in the dark, looking for a light to guide your way.
The Bible promises that the darkness you face—whatever it might be—will never overcome the light of Christ. Like a lighthouse on a rocky shore, Jesus offers us hope and a clear path to God.
There is no sin or enemy of God that is big enough to snuff out the light of Christ. He will always be victorious, and if we place our faith in him, he invites us to share in his victory.
祷告 · Prayer