每日灵修 | 10.9 使人和睦的人
马太福音 5:9
Matthew 5:9

— 太 5:9
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."
— Matthew 5:9
作为基督徒,我们不仅得到了赦免,而且还被纳入了一个新的属灵家庭。在这节经文中,耶稣提醒我们,作为神的孩子,至关重要的一件事就是无论我们走到哪里都要成为和平使者。在我们与每个人的关系中,我们蒙召去效法天父慷慨无私的爱的榜样。正如耶稣带着和好的使命而来,(参林后 5)我们被呼召在我们的工作场所、家庭、邻里和集市中成为和平使者。

One of the best and worst parts of having kids is seeing different parts of yourself in them as they grow up. I can look at my children and see some of my facial features and my hairline, my love for books and tacos, and more.
But I can also recognize my anxieties and sinful tendencies already present within them. And I lament those things that they have learned or received from me. As the saying goes, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
As Christians, we are not only forgiven but also adopted into a new spiritual family. And in this beatitude, Jesus reminds us that an essential part of being God’s children is to act as peacemakers wherever we go. We are called to model the generous and undeserved love of the Father in our relationships with everyone. Just as Jesus came with a ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5), we are called to be reconcilers in our workplaces, families, neighborhoods, and marketplaces.
In the face of fragmented cultures and political divisions, this is no easy calling. Peacemaking is hard, tedious, often thankless work. And yet Jesus assures us that when we make the effort, we are living as children of God.
祷告 · Prayer