每日灵修 | 7.25 年轻人的信心
The Faith Of Youth
民数记 27:1-11
Numbers 27:1-11

—民 27:4

"Why should our father's name disappear from his clan because he had no son..."
—Numbers 27:4
古时以色列民处理遗产的方式,是藉着儿子把父辈的姓氏、产业和居住地,存留在神的子民中;只要有一个儿子,父亲的名字便能继续传至下一代,也能保存居住地以及那地的产业了。西罗非哈的女儿来见摩西,她们说:“我们的父亲死在旷野…… 他也没有儿子。为什么因我们的父亲没有儿子,就把他的名从他族中除掉呢?” (参民 27:3-4)这些年轻妇女勇敢地提出这个请求,她们请求在应许之地分得产业作为遗产,好叫她们父亲的名字能够存留,这样她们也被算为属神的子民了。这是一个出自无畏之信心的请求,她们深信神会赐下应许之地,而她们也希望自己与此有份。
比起以色列民惯常的疑惑和不信,西罗非哈的女儿的信心特别显得与众不同,今天我们也需要我们的年轻人树立同样的信心榜样。保罗劝喻年轻的提摩太,要在言语、行为、爱心、信心、清洁上,都作别人的榜样。(参提前 4:12)

The way inheritances worked in ancient Israel was that your name, heritage, and place among God's people passed down through your sons. As long as you had a son, your name would carry on to the next generation. Your place or property in the land would also be secure. The daughters of Zelophehad approached Moses and said, "Our father died in the wilderness…and left no sons. Why should our father's name disappear from his clan because he had no son?" It was a courageous request by these young women. What they were asking for was property in the promised land as an inheritance so that their father's name would be maintained and they would be counted among God's people. It was a request made from bold faith. They believed that God would give them the promised land, and they wanted their place in it.
The faith of Zelophehad's daughter's stands out against the doubts and unbelief that were so much a part of Israel. We need our young people today to set a similar example of faith. Paul urged young Timothy to set an example to others in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Timothy 4:12).
Thank God for the faith of our young people. Let's follow their example.
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